Croatian Eagles Club Policy

To ensure a productive, positive and rewarding soccer experience for players, parents, spectators, and coaches, the Croatian Eagles Soccer Club requires its players and parents to sign and follow the rules and guidelines listed below. Although this agreement does not assume to address all potential issues, it does address primary issues that may arise during the normal course of the Club’s soccer season and is consistent with the Club’s mission of excellence in soccer.
Registration and Financial Responsibilities
All participants must register using our online system Demosphere. In accordance with the US Youth Soccer Association, the United States Soccer Federation, and the Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association, players will be registered according to their birth year. Any exception to a player playing
up must be approved by the coach and Director of Coaching. If granted permission, the player must try out with the older team and the age appropriate team. The player will then be evaluated on his/her technical, tactical, physical, and psychological tenants of soccer to be offered a spot to the appropriate
As the Club has financial responsibilities to the number of participants, each participant must pay his/her fees at the time of the registration. The fees may include but are not limited to the following: (I) Club user fees; (II) Player Fees; (III) Refundable Volunteer fees; (IV) Coaching fees; (V)
Tournament Fees, (VI) Equipment fees. All fees are non-refundable after July 17th for year-round and high school girl players and December 1st for high school boy players; irrespective of whether a participant chooses to leave the Club or is dismissed for disciplinary or other reasons. If a family is experiencing a financial hardship, contact the Director of Coaching and Club President to help facilitate a
solution. Payment plans are available for those that may need it with the understanding that processing fees are charged. Late fees will be charged if participants are registered after August 1st or January 1st for high school boys.
During the year, the club will hold additional fundraising events to raise funds to help keep our fees as low as possible. We strongly encourage all families to take part in these opportunities as they help strengthen our soccer program and provide funds for our long-term projects.
All participants, parents, and guardians are expected to conduct themselves honestly, professionally, and in a manner that is respectful of other team members, other Club members, parents, club coaches, club personnel, referees, and opposing players, coaches, and parents.
Any use or possession of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or any illegal substances by a participant, or any police arrest or conviction of a participant may result in that participant’s suspension or removal from the Club.
The participants are in the care of skilled and experienced coaches. Parents, guardians, and their guests are reminded that they are spectators; they are encouraged to offer positive words of support.
Negative comments directed at any player, coach, referee, or spectator will not be tolerated and may cause that person to be removed from the event. Even with the best intentions, it is confusing and distracting when parents or guardians “coach” from the sidelines. No matter how well intentioned, your
“coaching” may conflict with the coach’s directions and thereby cause more harm than good. Those who continue to “coach” from the sidelines may be removed from the event. Repeated failure to follow these guidelines may result in permanent removal from Club events or further participation in the Club.
Parents and guardians have the right to discuss matters of concern with the coach at the appropriate time and place. In consideration of the coach, an agreed upon meeting and time will be established and will not be conducted immediately, or prior to, a game or training session. The coach is
your first line of communication.
Attendance and Participation
Each coach will conduct a pre-season parent meeting to review attendance, tournaments, and other matters relating to the players and team. Each participant will wear appropriate soccer attire for all training and matches. Each participant must bring a soccer ball, age appropriate shin guards, water
and a serious attitude to learn and train to the best of his/her ability. Although we want this to be a fun experience for the participant, the Croatian Eagles are not a recreation soccer program.
It is the responsibility of both the participant and parent to ensure that the participant attends team and Club functions. It is the parent’s and participant’s responsibility to give his/her coach timely notice of an absence.
Volunteer Responsibilities
All club teams participate in the Club’s Annual Spring Soccer Tournament. In exchange for waiving all the participant’s tournament fees for this tournament, THE PARENTS OR GUARDIANS of each participant are expected to work a 3-hour assigned shift.
The Club relies on many volunteers who dedicate their time, money and services. With the increasing demand caused by the Club’s growth, each family will pay a $100.00 refundable volunteer deposit. After you contribute four (4) hours of volunteer time towards a club approved volunteer
opportunity such as, maintenance of Club’s grounds and facilities, you will be refunded your deposit by the Club’s Treasurer. Please note that a (4) hour shift is required for each family not participant. Dates, times, and events will be sent out in club-wide emails and posted in the Volunteer section here »
Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association Competitive Player Transfer Request
A player is considered committed to a team for the seasonal year (August 1st through July 31st) when a written acceptance occurs and a parent/guardian completes the player registration form and submits it to a club representative. If at any time during the registration year, a competitive player desires to transfer to another club's team (interclub transfer), that player must submit this form with transfer fees to the State Association.